
Showing posts from June, 2020

Ancestral Healing | What It Is And How You Can Learn It Today!

Ancestral healing is a ritualistic, personal, and spiritual process. The healing ritual helps you to repair, connect, and build relationships with your loving and knowledgeable ancestors. Many of us have had the need to feel a sense of belonging, feeling disconnected from the people that have brought us to the present. Throughout history , different races and cultures have experienced the reality of being repressed, almost wiped out, displaced from their homes. The consequences of such actions and the oppression of certain peoples have left a wound that current generations feel. Ancestral healing allows the repair of the connections between you and your ancestors . It opens up the pathways to understand the burdens you have inherited, along with the gifts that should be cherished. The approach to this form of healing is a ritual that helps you to find the guidance of your ancestors by blood. The ritual can use and combine any number of steps like meditations, trance

Beetle Spirit Animal Guide | Everything You Want to Know

Today, we are gonna go deep on the Beetle Spirit Animal . You will learn all the special characteristics and traits of the ancient little bug . Grab a cup of tea and relax in your favourite chair.. Let’s get into it. The beetle is an insect characterized by fore wings, which distinguishes it from other insects. There are more than 350,000 different species of beetles . You may notice them appearing in different shapes, sizes, and colors. We may rarely pay attention to the insects surrounding us as they are little and live mostly underground, but they are indeed numerous. We tend to pay more attention to animals, especially insects when they appear to us as spirit animals. But you shouldn’t dismiss them as many others do. When a beetle appears to you as a spirit animal it means that it appears in your thoughts, dreams, or you suddenly see it in real life in an unexpected moment. Hard to Interpret Messages At First Interpreting the message a beetle spirit animal is t

What Is Hooponopono Healing? | Powerful Hawaiian Technique

What is Hooponopono Healing? You might have seen Dr Joe Vitale , (you know, the guy from “ The Secret “) , talk about it. In this guide, we will delve deeply into the art of Hooponopono prayer . Read through the guide slowly and carefully; take the time to really understand what is being taught. By doing so, carrying out Hooponopono healing could be a much more successful and rewarding experience . Attempting to rush through the prayers, the healing will not be complete and can leave prayers feeling unfulfilled and in a worse off situation than they were before. Before the steps to practice Hooponopono healing is explained, it is a must to learn about what Hooponopono is, and the history behind the healing Hawaiians have used for generations . Without a full appreciation of the art, it can’t be learned to completion. Each section has its own uses, and even if you feel experienced, keep reading on . There might be information that helps you to heal better . So, What Is H

Hyena Spirit Animal | Guide Over The Hyena Spirit Animal Totem

Are you curious about the Hyena Spirit Animal? In this guide, we are gonna give you all the facts about having the Hyena spirit animal totem. Let’s get right into it! The Hyena is a fearsome African predator who roams in groups called clans . The build of a Hyena is stocky, with the front legs being higher than the back. Their skulls are the perfect killing machine , with enough bite force to crush bone. Their strong social groups and strict female group structure can seem brutal, but their evolution over millions of years has kept them near the top of the food chain. Hyenas are a strong spirit animal and have often been viewed as a symbol throughout history. Sometimes Falsely Associated with Dark Magic Oftentimes they are associated with witchcraft and thus avoided; however, they should be respected as having a hyena appear as a spirit animal brings important knowledge and wisdom. Someone who has the hyena as a spirit animal appears to them may be on the path to be

Can Dogs See Spirits? | Learn Why Dogs Can See Ghosts

Can dogs see spirits? Could it be that the four-legged friends standing by our side can see, or sense the supernatural? In this post, we’re gonna give you all the answers to the questions you might be thinking of. Dogs are fun-loving, loyal and gentle. However, it is not those qualities that make owners scratch their heads. Staring into space at an empty corner of the room, howling at the moon, or barking and running out of the room for no conceivable reason are all behaviors that cannot be explained. Can dogs sense spirits? Without a plausible explanation for their strange behavior, that is no doubt possible. Dogs have far stronger senses than humans and can sense things well beyond our abilities. It may even be a relief to know that a beloved pet can tell that a loved one has remained behind to watch over the living. However, the lack of scientific evidence to support the idea leaves the true nature of what dogs see a mystery and without scientific evidence, it is

Leopard Spirit Animal | Full Guide With All Traits

Want to know all the traits and specifics about the Leopard Spirit Animal? In this lenghty guide , I will try to give you all the facts and important know how’s about this spirit animal. If you want to read more about spirit guides in general, you can check out this page. High up in a tree in sub-Saharan Africa slinks a majestic creature . This solitary feline enjoys its own company more than anything else. You might catch a leopard or Panthera Pardus as it’s known in Latin. Taking a mid-day nap before it’s nightly prowl, or perhaps you’ll catch a brief glimpse of the reddish glow of its eyes reflecting moonlight through the tall grass. Crown Jewel of Nature The leopard is undoubtedly a crown jewel of nature . The sublime leopard can make a noble guide for your soul . If the leopard is your spirit animal, it’s important to understand the symbolism that it embodies and how that correlates and entwines with your life. Let’s take a brief journey outside of the savann