Have you ever heard of the Violet Flame of Saint Germain? The Flame is a spiritual energy that corresponds to the frequency of violet light . People with spiritual sight are able to see the violet flame and have described it as a beautiful flame or aura. The flame represents the combined spiritual energy of love, freedom, justice, mercy, and change, wrapping it all together to create one flame. The methods to use the violet flame is taught by Saint-German, an Ascended Master. One of the Causes Behind Miracles He teaches how the Violet Flame is one of the causes behind miracles , a way of conducting heavenly alchemy and a solution for all spiritual problems today. The Violet Flame is one of the most important things to the spiritual world. Throughout history, saints have used the Violet Flame to ascend their spiritual vision. Working with the flame accelerates progress beyond what can be imagined and it takes a talented person to truly understand what can be accomplished w...